Come see Lesley's work in Kansas City!

Distant Systems/Defining Atmosphere

Jan 13th - Feb 25th @ Weinberger Fine Art
Opening Reception Jan 13th 5pm-8pm (free and open to the public!)

We are over the moon to announce that Lesley's Distant Systems series will be on display at Weinberger Fine Art in KCMO

This is the same series that the Metropolitan Museum bought pieces from, last year; about the simplicity of nature and the universe.

Follow the hashtag #LesleyinKC on intsagram to see the latest

Weinberger Fine Art
114 Southwest Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108


Far from KCMO? 

No worries—this work is on the move and will be near you soon. Sign-up below and we'll let you know about future shows.

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